Wow! So much has transpired since my last blog post. I'll quickly summarize the main points. I graduated from college (so now I am a wiser and richer individual) and have moved back home. I fondly refer to myself as another "failure to launch" kind of guy (taken from the movie title of that same name. I can't say I fully recommend the movie but the concept is quite amusing). If you have not had the pleasure of watching that movie, you may miss the joke that is found therein.
Later in that same week my birthday and Christmas occurred. I am now practically in my middle 20's and can't say as I feel a whole lot older than I did at eighteen. Yet, in the end I have to remember that I'm not as spry or nimble as I used to be. I am also working for a bank corporation of quite immense proportions and, though, the job isn't the most glamorous or exciting, I am thankful for work.
Oh yes! New car! God amazingly provided a new car for me. I say amazingly because its former owners decided to sell it to me for the cost of what they would have received in trade in value at their local winter vehicle dealer. Which in turn provided me with an astounding deal for what I was getting. What did I buy? A 2002 Toyota Camry. Although an automatic transmission I am very grateful for it.
Yes, now down to the business of this post. I have recently been pondering society's view of what is right and wrong. Sad to say it appears as if society doesn't question the morality of an issue unless a) you are caught or b) you are actually offended by what occurred. Why is that? (this is not to toot my own horn, but it is one of the occurrences that spurred this post) Recently I had occasion to apologize to one of the basketball players I coach for not being a very appropriate role model for him. During one of the practices I was a bit crass and felt like I needed to set the record straight. His response or words to this affect were, that didn't offend me at all coach. You don't need to apologize for that. In fact that was pretty funny.
So if it wasn't offensive it was alright? That I'm afraid is how far our culture has slid on the morality scale of today. No, just because I didn't offend you doesn't mean what I said or did was RIGHT! The "right thing" is probably the issue here, but its sad to say that the younger generation is not getting the same kind of training that I have benefited from. Something is right or wrong, not because of its relativity to people (horizontal perspective) but because of its effect on my relationship with God(vertical perspective).
The "right" thing is not relative in regards to what our responsibility as believers is. We are to exemplify Christ and glorify Him in every word and action. Even though I may have failed in this instance, that failure provided an opportunity to further exemplify Christ and now all I can do is continue on the best I can.