Hello Friends! Um, unfortunately I'm still alive, unfortunate for you that is. No 'kicking of the bucket' for me. That means you get to wade through another post from yours truly! I'm quite relieved to still be breathing good ol' oxygen. In fact, I get to relax a little bit today and enjoy the Sabbath without too many extracurricular activities (last week I was in Pennsylvania, weekend before that saw the wrap up of the Feast of Tabernacles, and the weekend before that was the beginning of that same Feast).
In this post I'm hoping to tie together a theme that seems to be cropping up more than normal in my own life and a piece of scripture my eyes took in during my devotions this morning. I believe the Lord enabled me to glimpse a fuller insight into perhaps one of the meanings of this piece of scripture. "If you would like to follow along..." Okay, so that is a sermon phrase, and I'm not here to preach a sermon on this topic. :) But the passage is Matthew 7:13-14 which says: "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." I don't know how many of you have seen this, but there is a poster illustrating this concept. It is incredibly detailed and a helpful reminder of what a serious reality the 'broad and narrow' way really are. I have it hanging over my bed at home (and perhaps will attach a picture so you can also receive blessing and benefit from it's truth).
The theme is this: As a follower of Jesus Christ, I need to carefully examine and evaluate every facet of my life rather than just getting sucked along with the world I live in and its insidious attitudes. "Let me xplain.." (Okay, so if you haven't ever seen the Princess Bride, you wouldn't get that quote....lol.) Music, media, how time is spent, etc. all have to be carefully evaluated, because they are mediums through which the decay of my faith can so easily take place. I can't make the unequivocal statement that all Christians don't fully examine these different facets of their lives, but it seems like few really do. The justification of entertainment, or peer pressure or, you fill in the blank adds to the general uniformity between believers and nonbelievers. They don't seem to realize the full import the effect(s) of materialism, humanism, hedonism, and other worldly attitudes can have on their faith. Music as an example is one of the greatest mediums through which these attitudes are propagated. Am I then condemning all music of this type as wrong for believers in Jesus to listen to? No, I'm not making that strong a statement. But what I am saying is, we need to be aware of those themes and messages conveyed in the music, and weigh the effects it can have on our spiritual sensitivity or other areas of our lives. Because believe me, it will have an effect. Don't merely allow yourself to get sucked along with the tide of the world and its pleasures without examining where that path leads you.
It was neat because I was able to have dialogue with several brothers in Christ (only one of which I'll discuss here) earlier this summer on this type of thought progression. For one the subject was dancing. Now I'm not here to debate the biblical approach to that prevalent form of entertainment, but I was able to discuss with my 'brother' how he has gone about evaluating that entertainment. Personally, if that is something you have sought God over, and He has led/allowed you to enjoy that form of entertainment, who am I to step in and say that God is wrong. That is something between you and God; and that is how this discussion played out. But the time has to be taken to ask God what He thinks. That is the essential ingredient in this whole equation!!! Because if my 'brother' or any other follower of Christ doesn't take the time to listen to what God may be saying about that issue to them personally, its the same as getting sucked along with the world and its pleasures. Christians are called to be salt and light, both of which are distinct because they are not the norm. As such, as a follower of Jesus I need to be different and distinct!
Perhaps those who take time to see what God says about the nitty-gritty in their lives are those on the 'narrow' path? It's not something that is easy and as a follower of Christ I shouldn't expect life to be easy. I have to strive to enter by the narrow gate! It takes work and effort on my part, but the rewards are otherworldly (literally). I've found this very challenging and encouraging to me and my own walk with God. Am I really seeking God for His direction in my music, media, or other areas of my life? If not, I should be. I need to be more aware of what I'm filling my mind with and not simply 'go with the flow'. After all I'm supposed to be different and if my life isn't different in this area, what other area will nonbelievers notice?
How about you? Are you looking B4 you leap or are you leaping B4 you look? It's between you and God, but I suggest you take the time to ask.