Recently, I heard a talk given by a respected minister where he encouraged us to approach the observance of the Sabbath in a different way. His purpose was aimed at encouraging his listeners to enjoy things on this special day that we may not normally do. Specifically, this was in reference to spiritual things in our lives instead of entertainment which only serves to distract the mind, rather than feed it. Personally, I've found silence to be a breeding ground for spiritual thoughts, which I don't normally have time for due to my busy schedule.
While enjoying the beautiful weather today, my wife and I spent some time at a local park. The warm sunshine, gentle breeze, and quiet atmosphere were perfect for some quality reflective thought! While I was sitting on a park bench by myself I was struck by a thought. "My life is so much more than grades" was my thought. I was grateful for the reminder because so often my eyes can get stuck on the downward trend of performance, which ultimately leads to inauthentic reality, rather than authentic life. Who I am, or my worth is not dependent upon my grades (or anything else for that matter). "What are some other things in my life that life is so much more than" was a following thought? To which I was able to add, finances, pregnancy, work, and vacation.
What is life all about then? I'm afraid I don't have that answer (and would be making lots of money if I really did). I suspect a better understanding of that question lie in what it is not (finances, grades, work, vacation, stresses, life, fill in the blank). As we recognize what it is not I think we can begin to better understand what it really is.
My question for you today is to fill in the blank. "Life is more than _______?"