Friday, November 26, 2010

New Twist to Old Past time

Frisbee in sight of the Knesset. WHAT?! Who would have ever thunk! I've played frisbee within sight of the Israeli seat of government. It's funny because I've never really been excited to play sports within sight of the U.S. Capitol building, but the sentiment should probably be the same. Guess I'll have to work on that one...

I didn't realize though that frisbee, (REAL frisbee!) has plays, routes, and defensive strategies. R my mate from L's house invited me down to play frisbee on Sunday night from 8-10 PM. I guess I didn't pick up on the part about drills, sprints, and other exercises before we even started playing. It was definitely a time when I realized how out of shape I really was, but it was truly glorious to catch my 'second wind' and realize I wasn't too out of shape. A pair of cleats would have worked marvels for me because the ground was muddy and my feet couldn't grip very well. I still thoroughly enjoyed myself and learned some new things about an old game.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha - that's so cool! You'll have to show us some tricks upon your return:) Yay that you got to bash around with some friends for a bit!
