I suppose some sort of exclamation along the lines of, "Yikes! I haven't posted on here in over a month!!!" wouldn't quite make up for the fact that I haven't?? But I suppose I'll try and remedy that. Who knows, you might even read two or three posts in a row! I mean I have been storing up for a while. (chuckle) I actually thought of things I wanted to post about at work in the last month or so, but that didn't exactly turn into action.
Since my last post I've experienced something new. What, may you ask? You may. But I'll string this out for a few characters more. There! I think I've just about reached my max of suspense (at least what you'll be able to reasonably handle without throttling me). I was asked to preach. Yes, you heard it correctly. You know, that thing where you get up in front of other people and speak for God...? Yeah, that thing. Thankfully I was given a couple months warning, so I was able to really pray and mull over what God wanted me to speak about. I decided that it would only make sense to intertwine what God has been teaching me in everyday life into an applicable presentation that would be of mutual benefit. At least that is what I hoped.
Honestly, my life has taken so many twists and turns this summer and it seems like all I can really do is hang onto God's hand for dear life because I can't see where He's leading (but then again I don't have to know, all I have to do is follow). I feel like the dust has settled a little bit, even since I spoke for church, but I've been able to learn some pretty invaluable lessons along the way. Okay, okay. I'll stop 'salting the oats'. For those who were there, they already know where this post is going. But then again I might add some different twists here than I did in person. The sermon was built around a question. I wanted to come up with a different way of illustrating something each one of us experiences. The question is this, "What do you do when life doesn't make sense"? Because mine sure hasn't made sense.
So honestly, what do you do? Think about it for a second. I came to realize that generally my first reaction was what I really did, and my second reaction was what I wanted my reaction to be. For example, I FREAK!!!! Oh, wait, no. I don't do that. I pray and suffer in silence. Alright, so that 'suffer in silence' bit is a little bit of an exaggeration, but I thought I'd add it for effect. But then again shouldn't my first reaction be to pray and NOT freak?! Because where I run to or what I choose to trust in when life isn't going as I wanted it to reflects on where my trust truly is. The passage I spoke from was James 5:7-11. Blessed are those who endure. Did you get that?! BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO ENDURE!
So even though my natural reaction(s) when life doesn't make sense are to complain, panic, and bolt, are those really the best I can do? Is that the best God has in mind for me? The emphatic answer to that is, NO! Because as the end of verse eleven says, God is compassionate and merciful. He knows what's going on. Instead my reaction(s) should be to pray, trust, and wait. I realize this is one of those things that are 'easier said than done'. But that doesn't negate from its veracity! The good God has in mind for me (and He really does have my/our best good at heart) is not always what I think would be good for myself. I can't look to God and say, "I know what's good for me, now give it to me"! It just doesn't work that way. In fact I'm glad it didn't, because I wouldn't know what is really good for me.
Therefore, life only really makes cent$ when I'm trusting in God and choosing to let Him show me the way. So what if that means I don't know where or what my future holds. He does, and that's all that really matters. I want to make sure I don't have the attitude of barging ahead with my own plans and then deciding, "Oh Lord, would you please bless me on my adventure." Instead I need to be asking, "Lord would you please lead me where You want me to be" and then move when He directs. Can you see the difference in the attitudes portrayed? One is all on my own and the other is dependent on God. So that's what this is all about. Life really only makes cent$ when God is in control and I'm choosing to follow Him day by day.
P.S. That is not to say that one/me should not have plans/hopes/dreams. Because I certainly do. But I need to hold the plans very lightly as I'm seeking to follow God wherever He leads. I think God directs a moving ship, but He needs to have full access to the rudder. Savvy?