I was listening to the testimonies that were being offered and for some reason the word "connections" sparked an image/vision in my mind. And this is what I saw:
A small ship out on the open ocean, a sloop not very strong or seaworthy and it was crippled and unable to sail (the ship provided a representation of me). And without the ability to sail, I couldn't make it to port in order to have the necessary repairs made on my frail frame. But then Jesus, represented by a larger ship came alongside and threw a hawser to me. Guess what that hawser represented? Communion with Jesus. Partaking of the Lord's table provided a connection between Jesus and myself that enabled us to be drawn closer together and allowed me to make the heavenly "port" of heaven.
Then I got to thinking, don't I need more than just one rope to keep me securely tied to my Master? The thoughts began trickling in and I realized there were other "hawsers" that kept me close to my best friend. Among them were church attendance, personal devotional time with Him, prayer, honoring of the shed blood of Jesus, and resisting the 'enemy' who would love to use his ax to cut the ropes that bind my ship to God's (and I'm sure there are many more that I haven't even thought of) [please excuse the "church" lingo for any reading this who are unfamiliar with this type of language. Please feel free to ask and I'll do my best to explain].
This whole thought pattern was both encouraging and inspiring to dwell upon. I can stay close to Jesus because He has provided a way! Ultimately I believe Christianity to be about a relationship with Jesus instead of the often thought of 'list of rules and do and do nots'. Hey I hope this thought and image will also be an encouragement to you as you face the trials of life upon the seas. Chuck that hawser and ride-out the storm secure in who your Anchor truly is!
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