"Ew! Yuck! Gross! Acky!" are all expressions of utmost distaste, yet they are ways of communicating emotion over something that needs to be done occasionally (no, I am not talking about changing diapers or any such nonsense). I'm referring to the fine art of vacuum cleaner regurgitation. Oh, you know, that thing you have to do when you think your trusty 'hoover' has successfully sucked up your favorite engagement ring. Wait a second, I don't have one of those and even if I had, how could it be my 'favorite'?! Don't puzzle over that one for too long. Merely thought of an amusing and entertaining object that my 'hoover' could inhale. Anyway, I had the extreme pleasure of sifting through the contents of my family's vacuum cleaners innards last night because the last three puzzle pieces of my mother's puzzle had gone AWOL. I didn't think my trusting servant had grasped those last three precious pieces, but I wanted to make sure. In short, I felt bad for what might have been my fault so I wanted to make every effort to vindicate myself.
I must say, and I'm not ashamed of admitting to the fact that I used gloves, but hair is extremely prevalent in our society. Whether it be on your noggin or in the belly of a vacuum cleaner. Yikes! Not to mention that I don't know the last time that thing had been cleaned out. Perhaps I was doing a favor to seek for that which was lost. But I can't take too much credit because my mother had already replaced the bag and all I had to do was physically touch (through the gloves) most of its contents. Did I find the pieces?? No, I didn't!! Argh! Those varmints weren't to be found in that bag, which means, I was released from suspicion!!
Still, that didn't resolve the problem that those three pieces still were on the outside lookin in. So I set upon a search and lo and behold, there was one sittin right on the floor of our living room just as saucy as you please (mom spotted that one)! Various chairs hit the floor in an effort to leave no stone unturned in my assiduous efforts to now find the last two pieces (in order to give some perspective, this is not just ANY ordinary puzzle. This is a mammoth one thousand piece puzzle of tiny proportions. No kidding the pieces were the smallest pieces I have ever seen in all my puzzle probing days. That is why they were lost much easier than most. They could get stuck in your clothes and you would have no clue where they had gone...and it was a challenge that had daunted our family for the last two weeks. There was no way I was going to give up without a fight!)
Hmmm only one more place to look. Under, in, or around the great papa chair in our corner. I wondered if the pieces had fallen down in the cracks, so I stuck my hand down to probe its depths. What's this? Oh, only the cover for the back of the chair. Nothing special. As I reach down again I'm ready for greatness. Must...keep...looking...eh? Oh, only the arm-rest cover. Sigh...eureka!!! There nestled together in a fold of the arm-rest cover were the two coveted last pieces to that puzzle! Thank you Jesus! So with a gleeful chortle of victory and triumph I hold up those two pieces and am rewarded with the extreme pleasure of depositing them into their proper abodes in that puzzle. (chuckle) In fact, they were the only pieces I put together in that puzzle. How fitting that the laziest puzzle person gets the last laugh? But then again, I had to endure the suffering and misery of that wretched vacuum cleaner bag. I guess after all poetic justice rules in the end!!
And that my friends, is the end of my tale. I'm Ronsard and I approve this message!
I hope you enjoy this sweet picture of the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy!!
I do love a happy ending - good for you!! :)