Friday, April 9, 2010

Nickname Additions

Alright, so this week has unveiled two new nickname additions for my expansive list. But I'm afraid they don't really exemplify me. For those who actually know who I am and what I stand for, you will totally understand. For those who don't know me and therefore don't know where I stand on these issues, you may jump to the wrong conclusion. But I trust after a little explanation, you will understand, and be amused. Ready for the nicknames? They are "Wild One" and "Party-Animal".

So here comes the explanations for both. Well, actually they are both related, being from the mouth of the same individual, and with the same idea they were meant to convey. Personally, and here is some of the explanation, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, I don't have a girlfriend, and I live a fairly normal level life. Yes, I enjoy having fun, but not using any of the above mentioned substances or avenues for enjoying that fun.

So this co-worker of mine, who I've known for years, and has in fact grown into somewhat of a legend in my family's 'bank lore', decided to try and describe my brothers and I to another co-worker. "Now there are three brothers in that family. The quiet one, the middle one, and the wild one." I then asked her, "Which one am I?" to which she replied, "The wild one." She then confirmed that my eldest brother, who this coworker absolutely adores, is the 'quiet one.' (Which coming from her, is an extremely high compliment.) I'm sorry, but I was terribly amused. Hahahahaha! I've been dubbed the 'Wild One'. And upon further probe, discovered she decided to call me that for my antics involving rubber bands at work. Yes, I'll freely admit that I enjoy indulging in some friendly target practice of co-workers (of which this particular co-worker has not been targeted by me).

I'm afraid I mercilessly teased her for the rest of the day for calling me 'Wild One.' And now I have an official name-tag at my desk where I can proudly wear that tag. There is another story related with the name tag, but I don't think my blog would be the best place to talk about it. It is/was a little amusing and at the same time frustrating. Ask me about it sometime if you want to know more.

Yes, um, party-animal. That name originated today, and sprang from the same co-worker, when she was talking to me. I didn't tease her as much about this name as I did about the 'Wild One' but I still tucked it away. And now it is forever immortalized on my blog. Ah, good times, and co-workers. They certainly make life more amusing (they are certainly worth more than just a good laugh, but that was an appropriate word usage for this post).

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