Sunday, September 5, 2010

Does IT Matter?

The title really does matter. In some of my earlier posts I've simply slapped some words in the title line and forged ahead. Well, I'm going to try and not do that as much from now on. Of course there will be the occasional post where that is the case, but not this one. I relish asking questions because it makes me think and examine thoughts or issues that perhaps I haven't faced before. And as one who is along for the journey on this blog, I'm afraid you might have to exercise some brain power as well.

I know sometimes I can become weary of questions, but asking those sentences with the little squiggly thing at the end enables me to learn, and I don't want to ever stop learning. So the question I pose to myself (and you as my reader) is this, "How do you know you are making a difference in the lives of others"? Perhaps an additional question in the natural progression of thought would be, "Why do I care what difference I'm making in the lives of others"?

I viewed a film recently which poignantly illustrated this thought. Whether we realize it or not, and I would challenge each one of us (myself included) we do make a difference in the lives of others. Whether that difference is for the better or worse, well I leave that up to you to ponder. I know I want to make a difference in the lives' of the people I interact with and I want that influence to be a positive one. Yet how can I know for sure that I'm not wasting my time? Well in a way, I'll never know. I guess the only real way that question can be answered is if somebody thanks me for making a difference in their lives. I find it a bit amusing because this influence we exert over others is also illustrated in a well known Christmas film. Remember George Bailey? Yeah, mhm, I'm talking about "It's A Wonderful Life".

Though definitely not wishing what George wished for, it is thought provoking to consider what life would be like for others if I didn't exist. Now as he found out, life would be radically different for all those he knew and loved (and doubtless they were extremely glad he had been borne, which the movie demonstrates when he comes to his senses). I'm not suicidal nor suggest or encourage any such notions, but I found the thought that I impact others, to be a very challenging one to consider, which was heightened by the wonderment of what life would be like if I didn't exist. My words and even more my actions, which speak louder than words, demonstrate the impact I can have on those around me. How am I demonstrating love to those around me? What more can I do to be a positive role model to those following in my footsteps?

In the arena of sports I've been very aware of the impact I have on the younger generation back when I started playing Varsity Basketball for Conval High. Why is that? I came to that realization because of the impact those guys had on me. I grew up watching the CV Cougars Basketball team and I idolized it's players. My family will regale you with who was my favorite player if you're ever interested to know. So when I stepped on that court I knew all the kids in the stands would be looking up to me. There was a weight of responsibility that I hadn't realized existed. I must admit, I was scared by that realization, but that didn't make me any less determined to carry myself with as much professionalism and good sportsmanship, as I knew how.

I'm additionally aware of that responsibility every time I stepped on the court/field of a collegiate athletic event. But even though it is a great responsibility the privilege of being an athlete makes it all worth it.

Athletics however, are only a small arena where I can impact peoples' lives. I hope every area of my life has a positive impact on others (that's what I'm striving for). After all, what I say or do really DOES matter.

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