Saturday, October 31, 2009

Life Is Fast!

Well Good Evening Readers!

Today has been a fairly uneventful day. Uneventful in that nothing too unusual or unexpected happened. A fairly steady, plod ahead and "conquer some more in my abnormal psychology class" kind of day.

One special part of my Friday, and it appears to be becoming a habit, was my chat with Mr. F. He is somebody really special God has placed in my life right now as a mentor. His wisdom and gentle spirit are refreshing to interact with and his door is always open. I really like "the open door" policy. For some reason he feels privileged when I stop by and he always makes me feel special and welcome. Whatever he is in the middle of he is always willing to put it aside and just chat for a little while.

Through this I've been able to get to know the "man" instead of his accomplishments, which is how he wants it to be. He hasn't even told me all that is on his resume, but suffice it to say he is an extremely accomplished and well polished musician (even if he had told me everything on his resume, it would be a breach of confidence for me to then turn-around and post them all on my blog). I'm beginning to realize the value in people knowing me for who I really am, instead of simply knowing me for what I can do. Perhaps that is a nugget of wisdom I can mine from his influence on my life. After all, he "has been there and done that" and if he simply wants to disappear, perhaps I can take a cue. :)

I considered it a real honor and privilege tonight to mix for Mr. F. in the Faculty recital here on campus. Two original compositions were performed by Mr. F and after chatting with him some today I came to realize how vulnerable musicians often are when performing their own pieces of work. Their very soul has been poured into their work and they then are performing that work for public critique and criticism? Let's remember how much courage that really takes next time you or I critically examine a new piece of music.

I guess that is the same for more professions than just musicians, but it sure was a helpful insight and reminder to stash away in my empty head.

I'm also really thankful Shabbat is here. Now I can put aside homework and the stress of life and simply glorify God on His day. Speaking of putting aside stress, what better way to accomplish that than by sleeping you may ask? I can't think of any better way, so I'm off to do just that.

Have a pleasant evening dear readers!

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