Friday, July 18, 2014

Rained Blessings

Whoever said blog posts need to be long and tedious? I must admit this belief has played a large role in why I have not been more active in writing recently. "I don't have anything 'worth' sharing" or "writing can be so tedious and hardly anybody even reads my offerings anyway" have also been factors. The truth is, I have no idea who reads the content I publish, but I'm inclined to think more than I think. My motivation for writing should not be geared only towards those who read my content, but it does make a difference. If you're willing, would you please like the post, or comment within the blog when you see this published? Thanks for considering this request. Anyway, on to today's scenario.

My family has found ourselves gifted with a number of material blessings recently. It's almost comical when I stop to think about it. First, we were given a matching set of bar-stools. Not just any bar-stools mind you, but ones which perfectly match our kitchen and living room decor right down to the wood-grain. Second, a freezer was dropped into our laps (ouch!). Nothing mammoth mind you, but one which perfectly will meet our needs and fits very nicely in our basement. Third, we found ourselves the proud owners of a 1996 Honda Odyssey mini-van complete with stow-and-go back seats, power windows and locks, and a well-functioning air-conditioner. Did I mention this was a gift and we didn't pay a dime for the car initially? Fourth, and finally a new (to us) dining room set with four matching chairs with two-collapsible leaves. So now we are able to much more comfortably entertain friends and don't need to feel squished with food and four at the table. Phew! I'm floundering in blessings.

As I was toodling along on my way to work this past Tuesday, and reflecting on the above list of material-blessings I must admit my mind was not in a spiritual place. I was approaching the list from a carnal and materialistic mindset, although grateful for the items, when I was struck with a startling reality that shook me to the core! Almost all of those blessings which had been given to us were items my wife and I had prayed about over the last year or so!!! *blink* In fact, we were still praying for a couple of the items on the list. I was humbled by the significance of God's provision (and am so very grateful for others' generosity). It was a neat reminder to me of how I may forget about the things I've asked God for, but He doesn't forget, and he'll bring them along at the right time.

Now it's your turn to reflect. Take a few moments to think about the things you've been praying for and if and when God answered those prayers; you just might be surprised at what you discover.

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