Saturday, November 7, 2009


Alright, don't get your hopes up faithful followers. (haha sarcasm) The wedding is not for me, but I am going to be a part of it!! And no, my siblings are not the proud recipients of this wedding congratulatory and excitement induced post.

I am going to be a groomsman! Yes, you read that correctly. Me, a strange and unusual fellow attending college here in the middle of the Eastern United States. My cousin J--- is the proud fellow who rang me up last night and asked me to be in his wedding party. I was absolutely honored!

The the brunt of the conversation started like this:

J: Do you know where you're going to be in March?

Me: No, not sure, could be anywhere.

J: Want to be one of my groomsmen?

Me: (Socks knocked off and lying littered on the floor). OF COURSE! I'D LOVE TO!

Although perhaps a little fabricated due to my short term memory loss, this was basically how the conversation went. It turns out J--- called me only half-an-hour after proposing, which I thought was incredibly sweet of him.

(I know if it was me, I doubt I'd be calling my wedding party quite that quickly, but each to his own). To his credit, it is true that the wedding is only four months off, so he wanted to let people know in plenty of time.

But then some horrifying thoughts began to creep into my mind. The dreaded word TUX should say it all. Hassle, consternation, and simple downright hassle! But all in all I'm thrilled because it should be a lot of fun, even if I have to fit into one of those "monkey-suits". Perhaps I'll just buy one of the darn things, since I may be using it a fair amount in the future (but then again that may be too conceited, so maybe I shouldn't). I guess I'll have to weigh my options as the time draws near.

That's all for now!

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