Friday, March 28, 2014

Authority As Protection

Authority. The word conjures up a myriad of images in my mind some of which are positive and some of which are not. If I'm honest with myself, I've never really relished having someone over me in authority, until now. 

If you thought home-life was stressful and busy then you've never been introduced to the corporate world. I myself am still relatively new to this arena and it certainly takes some getting used to. In my specific situation, I learned the hard way that authority can work against me before I learned how it can work for me. Instead of seeing those in authority as my advocates I saw them as people who were trying to hold me back or lord their power over me. This in reality was more my own perception than anything they ever intended. Sometimes you may come across situations where those in authority do lord it over their underlings, but gratefully, this was not my situation. Through this tough process I learned the valuable lesson that authority acts as a protection for me. My boss wants me to succeed because he benefits and I benefit when I succeed so there was no hidden agenda to keep me down. With that being said I would also say a good boss is secure enough to empower the employee to act with latitude within the parameters under their authority. If not, things can come to a standstill where productivity is concerned.

 The corporate world has revolutionized my view of authority based on the previous concept. This helps serve as a reminder for me when I'm tempted to question other areas of authority in my life. Being under authority is a healthy thing and does not conjure up the same painful images as it has in the past. For that, I must thank the corporate world.

#authority #attitude 

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