Wednesday, April 3, 2013

God Really Does Hear

Put bluntly, we were in need. Serious financial need (still are, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel). After taking stock of our financial landscape this past Monday, my wife and I realized something has got to change, and fast! I felt so helpless. Here I am, the newly married husband, who is supposed to have it all figured out, right? "No need to worry about money sweetheart because I'll figure it out." I remember telling Jane before we got married that there would be financial struggles, but that was normal and going through them would strengthen us as a couple. Ha! Did you actually think I was practicing what I was preaching?! I don't even think I was really listening to what I was saying. Well now I have to listen to what I said, because it's true.

My work has been part-time now for over six months. Because of the nature of the business I work in, I knew it was cyclical in nature, which is in part why it seemed like such a great fit for attending school and working at the same time. I also knew that the business would pick up at some point, which would allow for an increase in hours, but I didn't know exactly when. Oh, I thought I knew. Last year, I was given full-time hours in the month of March so I was waiting with hopeful expectation. Nothing. Then my schedule for April was released, nothing. As much as I love Dave Ramsey, and have been able to put into practice his encouragement to set aside emergency savings, by early this past week, most of those funds were transferred out of their holding cell. Now what?

God showed up, that's what! With the reassessment we had made this past week, Jane and I began praying. Um, you thought you knew what praying hard was, but you've not seen our faith as a couple. Alright, so that's a little bit of an exaggeration as I was pretty discouraged and was just trying to keep on putting one foot in front of the other (school, work, life). Nevertheless, we did pray and cry out to God for His provision. I honestly didn't have a clue how God was going to answer, but I wanted my eyes to be fixed on Jesus in this time of need (reminded of Psa. 46, I think it is, where God promises to hear our cry). I was told today that as of April 22nd, my hours would be increasing to 25 per week (up from 20), and that in May, my hours would be increasing even further!!! Did that just happen!? Now some may attribute this to mere chance and this was going to happen anyway. My response is balderdash!!! Even if it may have happened eventually at some point, the fact that I was told out of the blue today is a demonstration of God's love and faithfulness to Jane and I; faithfulness in action. God didn't have to allow them to tell me today, but I think He knew what we needed. Conversely, God knew exactly what He was doing when He chose to make me wait until Tuesday to hear the news instead of hearing it on Monday. I firmly believe He wanted to get my attention, for which our faith has been increased, and He has been given more glory! My thought through the 24 hours of desperation was, what does God have in mind? Is He trying to get my attention? I'd say He has it. I'm grateful for His love expressed in this small way. For me, this is evidence that God really does hear.

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